• Anadolu Agency: Dutch DFI

    Dutch direct foreign investments are apparently known in Türkiye. The ‘Turkish ANP’ Anadulu Agency published a news overview about current Dutch participations in, among other sectors, renewable energy, agri sector and regional development.

    The Chamber of Commerce foundation was asked to provide an evaluation of priorities and current Dutch investments in Türkiye, which Anadulu Agency in turn interpreted and published.

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  • Dutch Companies Finds Türkiye Again

    Türkiye is again becoming popular with Dutch companies and entrepreneurs. That is what the CCNT told BNR radio. The diplomatic row between the Netherlands and Türkiye, in which a Turkish minister was expelled from the country almost a year ago, was a low point, says the Chamber.

    But the organization is now seeing a growing number of requests to do business, both from the Netherlands and from Türkiye. Every week, ten Dutch people start a company in Türkiye, just as many as the other way around. According to Ethem Emre, chairman of the CCNT, the lack of the feared sanctions after last year’s diplomatic crisis has limited the damage. As a result, the number of applications to the CCNT was already on the rise quite quickly. In the meantime, the diplomatic row itself has almost been settled, Emre reports.

    Distrust not completely gone yet

    However, the mutual mistrust has not completely disappeared, notes Danny Casimir, owner of Splexs, a platform that connects retailers with Turkish textile suppliers. It is still difficult for the latter group to obtain a visa. General confidence in Türkiye grew again, which, according to Emre, has a positive effect on the number of Dutch holidays in the country. The Turkish economy also did well with a growth of 7 percent last year, largely due to agriculture and textiles.

    Especially the development around ‘fast fashion’, where fashion companies change their collection very quickly, has a favorable effect. From a logistical point of view, Türkiye offers many advantages in this area, especially with large factories that can switch quickly and deliver cheaply. The costs are low, but the question is whether it is all equally reliable what comes from Türkiye; child labor and poor working conditions are lurking.

  • Turkish-Dutch entrepreneurs might feel Lira fall

    The exchange rate of the Turkish lira is in free fall. The value of the currency has been falling for months. Turkish-Dutch entrepreneurs must take this into account.

    “This was of course not foreseen,” says Ethem Emre, chairman of the Netherlands & Türkiye Chamber of Commerce in the NOS Radio 1 Journaal. “But most entrepreneurs do not yet notice this in their wallets. In Türkiye they are still in the middle of the holiday season. The consequences are therefore not really noticeable. I think this will take a while.”

    Still, according to Emre, many companies will definitely feel the fall. “Local companies that depend on imports in particular will soon be affected by this.” They have to pay in dollars or euros, but that is becoming more difficult because their own currency is becoming less and less valuable.

    The fall of the Turkish lira started when President Erdogan was elected. At the same time, a presidential system was introduced, which means that he is now supreme. As a result, global confidence in the Turkish economy is declining. The fact that he appointed his son-in-law as finance minister didn’t help either.

    Meanwhile, there are also organizations that profit from the fall of the currency. “Foreign companies can capitalize on their opportunities now,” says Emre. “They can now do much more with their money. The euro and dollar have become much more valuable in Türkiye. It is therefore also positive for holidaymakers.”

    Emre assumes that the fall of the coin is temporary. “The government says it will be solved. Moreover, in 2001 there was also such a crisis in Türkiye. The country has also recovered.”

  • Interview BNR : Travel Advice Türkiye

    The Netherlands must quickly adjust the travel advice for Türkiye, according to the CCNT.

    Due to the corona virus, only necessary trips are recommended to the country and because it is outside Europe, it will remain on ‘orange’ for the time being. ‘It is incomprehensible and harmful to the economic ties between the Netherlands and Türkiye’, says chairman Ethem Emre.