• Satisfied Dutch customer sharing his Turkiye experience

    It feels good. A satisfied Dutch entrepreneur who shares his adventure about Turkiye. But it didn’t go automatically! To make a boyhood dream come true, a helping hand is sometimes needed in the establishment of an organisation and HR activities.

    Philip Knierim, CEO of Ecotone, declares to be a real fan of Turkiye. Ecotone started in Istanbul with the production of affordable and environmentally friendly office supplies. After having tasted success, he founded a second company in Turkiye. Currently, he offers employment to young, smart IT/ICT developers who deliver good work for Dutch customers.
    Despite Covid-19 and increasing inflation in Turkiye, he has managed to grow his business significantly. This thanks to a long-term, robust, sustainable growth strategy.
    Philip “Developing an understanding the way of doing business in Turkiye and being professionally guided by the offices in Rotterdam (CCNT foundation) and Istanbul (Turkish Dutch Trade Consulting) have contributed to my success”.
    But it’s not all roses and moonshine over the Bosphorus. Philip says that specifically managing in the Turkish corporate culture is a difficult task for which he has also engaged the aforementioned parties as an interface.
    Interested in ICT development in Turkiye?
    A webinar on January 25 is planned by the CCNT foundation. Agenda: nearshoring and the execution of remote projects. Contact initiator Paul Tjia (paul@gpic.nl).
    Watch video (Dutch spoken)
  • Turkish brand experience – Dutch marketing

    Plea for more intensive brand experience of Turkish quality products with the help of Dutch marketing strategies.

    In the video, the vice-chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands-Turkiye foundation demonstrates various Turkish products that, despite their authenticity potential, could be placed stronger and more prominently on the Dutch market. With the help of more branding and marketing, the Turkish brand experience could be formulated and implemented and executed (distribution) stronger.
    Watch video. Dutch spoken, Turkish subtitles.
    Visit the Chamber of Commerce foundation in Rotterdam or partner/service provider Turkish Dutch Trade in Istanbul for market research and marketing activities. Contact: peter.wolters@kvknederlandturkije.nl and/or leyla.demos@turkishdutchtrade.com
    Video: with courtesy of the amazingly beautiful Charisma hotel***** Kusadasi, Turkiye.
  • Results successful Agri trademission, Mersin & Antalya

    Full of expectations and curiosity, a delegation of Dutch agri-fresh producers, importers, investors and eco-innovation experts embarked from Schiphol on 16 October for the Turkish trade city of Mersin and agri-region around Antalya. To meet the Dutch retail agri-fresh demand, Turkish ‘qualitative good and cheaper’ products were sought.
    Facts, key figures, priorities
    First a few facts. Türkiye closed its Agri export in 2021 with more than $1 BLN. The export of fresh vegetables, fruit and related products increased by 9% in the first 6 months of 2022 compared to 2021 to 551 million. The Turkish target for agri-fresh in 2023 is 1.5 MLD. The most important export countries for Türkiye are Germany $93 MLN, US 87 MLN and Russia 65 MLN. In total, Türkiye exports to 122 countries.
    Türkiye is looking for innovative solutions to deal with priorities in climate change, sustainable agriculture, residue-free agriculture and reducing logistics costs. The country has the ambition to use 30-50% less chemicals to start with mandarins, pomegranates and tomatoes.


    B2B match making
    More than 50 enthusiastic Turkish producers registered on October 17 to meet 11 Dutch delegation members during the first B2B matching session in Mersin. Matching is more than just shaking hands and getting to know each other. It requires thorough preparation, sometimes a month or two in advance, in order to align supply and demand. This was facilitated by the local Dutch-Turkish-speaking service provider Dutch Turkish Trade Consulting (DTTC). There was close collaboration with the Mersin Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MTSO).


    The delegation visited several greenhouses by bus. Everywhere the Dutch were very hospitable welcomed with Turkish tea and homemade cookies for an informal introduction. Subsequently, greenhouses were entered, fruit tasted, hygiene, safety standards, EU and other certification checked.


    Selection of companies visited: TARGID; EREN TARIM; AKSUN TARIM. In addition, also companies or greenhouses with peppers, tomatoes and a juicy citrus field.

    Ample time was taken to ask many questions. Ultimately, the quality must be constant and reliable. Questions were about production, storage, packaging, distribution, etc.


    A Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of promoting cooperation was signed by the chairmen of the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Türkiye foundation and the Mersin Chamber of Commerce & Industry, one of the oldest Chamber of Commerce in Türkiye with more than 16,000 members.


    The process was supported by a very hospitable board and secretariat of MTSO. Read more about Mersin’s Agri Food sector such as climate and soil, R&D settings, agri production quantity, export and production seasonal calendar.
    Open arms
    Much inspired, the delegation took a domestic flight from Mersin to Adana airport and from there to travel by bus to the next trade mission destination: Antalya. More B2B matchmaking conversations were facilitated on October 19 in a representative hotel in Antalya. In a conference room, conversations were organised between Dutch members and Turkish producers at specified time intervals.


    Individual company visits were carried out at the request of some delegation members. Obviously, these were always accompanied by a driver and a Turkish interpreter. A photographer was also continuously present to capture the management, the business environment, products and packaging methods. Selection of company visits October 19: Meysan and Ergida Tarim.


    They were welcomed with open arms because the participating Dutch companies represent a total turnover of +/- € 575 MLN, which corresponds to the six-monthly Turkish Agri export in 2021. The participating companies are administratively supported by RAAD International.
    Smart ‘green’ Turks
    The delegation was presented with a lecture by Sivas Cumhuriyet University on October 20. As part of the “Net Green” project, tasty products are produced under optimal hygienic conditions without fertilization, sprinkling and excessive irrigation. Sustainability is taken seriously by Turks. The delegation members then visited several (logistics) companies and fruit and seed production greenhouses. Selection: Adalya Fresh; Ebeyler Tarim.
    The Interfresh Eurasia fair was also on the program on 20 October. 41 Turkish exhibitors / exporters (websites available for delegation members) met buyers from many countries. Just like during the previous trade mission in 2021, Turkish ‘TRT’ television yet again engaged with the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands-Türkiye foundation for a brief conversation with the chairman and vice chairman at the exhibition.


    Pleasant social moments such as lunches and dinners were a permanent part of the program. The bow cannot always be tense! Even for culture lovers there was an unexpected moment: a visit to the historic city of Taurus with the well of the Apostle Peter. Also used for fresh grapes at the time!


    Additional market research
    Getting to know the Turkish trade culture, building trust and eventually converting contacts into contracts is the ultimate goal of a trade mission. If desired, delegation members can request additional personal guidance, market and product studies from Dutch Turkish Trade Consulting for a fee. The not-for-profit foundation Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Türkiye ensures that the quality of the service is guaranteed.
    Joy after business
    The return journey started on Friday 21 October from Antalya via the new, impressive Istanbul Airport to Schiphol. Some delegation members continued to enjoy themselves for several days. They combined work and private life while enjoying the beautiful beaches and good quality hotels on the Turkish Riviera. It runs on the south coast of Türkiye on the Mediterranean Sea from Marmaris-Antalya to past Alanya.
    Interested in participating? Inform us about the needs or specifications of your company or sector via the registration form.
  • Chairman MKB (SME) Rotterdam meets CCNT foundation

    Chairman Pieter van Klaveren of MKB (Small and Medium sizes Enterprises) Rotterdam honored the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands-Turkiye foundation and the intercultural expertise center Inter-Focus with a visit on 20 July 2022. The common thread that runs between both organizations under the same roof is the intercultural added value of people for companies.
    Small and medium-sized enterprises in the Rotterdam region are the driving force behind the economy. With over 800 affiliated members and 14,000 contacts, MKB Rotterdam is a representative network for entrepreneurs.
    Common themes of interests include international entrepreneurship, sustainability and vitality. Understanding each other, daring to take risks, creating jobs and maintaining healthy and therefore productive staff. That is what both organizations stand for and go for!
    More Turkish entrepreneurs in SME decision-making
    The economy may be doing reasonably well, but new challenges are quickly taking the place of optimism. It is important that entrepreneurs can tap from all ‘barrels’ in terms of new markets, new customers, new candidates and retain existing staff within the gate.
    Dutch-Turkish entrepreneurs with all their knowledge, skills and other resources should actually be more affiliated with established Dutch SME associations. Ultimately, citizens, consumers, customers, suppliers and other potential partners are becoming increasingly diverse and colorful.
    The Chamber of Commerce foundation wants to initiate more dialogue between Turkish and Dutch entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs with Turkish roots should be better connected. The foundation wants to spar with SME entrepreneurs about possible flight paths in Dutch companies.
    Intercultural listening is gold
    Vitality of existing staff and reintegration of sick and incapacitated staff is a concrete challenge, certainly in the context of the Poortwachter Improvement Act, which can cost entrepreneurs money. In the case of Dutch personnel with a non-Western background, there is an extra dimension in terms of cultural differences, language barrier and ignorance about the rules and duties in reintegration and personal injury. Listening comprehension in Turkish or other exotic languages ​​with professional help from the intercultural expertise center Inter-Focus is gold…
    In the field of internationalization, Rotterdam entrepreneurs have been invited to participate in the next trade mission to Türkiye at the end of October 2022. The successes of Dutch participants during the previous trade mission in 2021 (video report) will be continued!

    *Photo: Ethem Emre, Pieter van Klaveren, Peter Wolters, Leyla De Mos


    In October 2021, the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands-Türkiye Foundation (CCNT) organised in collaboration with RAAD International B.V. an exciting trademission to Türkiye. The successes for our delegates during and after this mission (video report) have motivated us to organize another trade mission in October 2022.
    Also you can experience excellent commercial opportunities that Turkiye offers entrepreneurs!
    The board of the CCNT cordially invites you to join us October 17, 2022. Due to the war in Ukraine and the devaluation of the Turkish Lira, we observe opportunities for Turkish fruit and vegetables. Let’s discover booming Türkiye together! Other sectors can be facilitated separately on request.
    Departure on Sunday 16 October. On Monday, October 17, we are welcomed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mersin. Monday afternoon, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning B2B fruit and vegetable meetings in Mersin and Antalya. Thursday October 20 visit to the InterFresh Eurasia fair in Antalya with exhibitors in the fruit and vegetable sector and logistics. More info.
    During the trip, the CCNT creates access to a broad network of Turkish entrepreneurs, growers, exporters, importers and institutions. You exchange experiences with your travel companions and Turkish entrepreneurs. You can indicate which (type of) growers/entrepreneurs you wish to visit. In this way, you meet targeted parties and you gain new insights into the extensive opportunities that the Turkish fresh produce market offers.
    These amount to ± €2,200 incl. flights, hotels, local transport, guide/interpreter, lunch and dinners. We are pleased to discuss any options for your specific wishes during a personal meeting. The CCNT monitors quality and provides access to a large Turkish network; TDTC in Istanbul organizes and facilitates on site with Dutch-speaking trade experts and RAAD International advises.
    Interested? Register by sending your wishes through this webpage (bottom page), or email to info@kvknederlandturkije.nl. We will subsequently contact you. One thing is for sure: it will be a fantastic trip with – in addition to the business activities – also plenty of time for social interaction!
  • Meeting Turkish healthcare sector at embassy

    At the beginning of March, a preparatory meeting took place at the Turkish embassy in The Hague between the Chamber of Commerce foundation and TOBB, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, more specifically the Turkish Health Tourism Sector Assembly department.

    The Turkish minister of trade has declared the Netherlands as ‘Target and priority country in health tourism’. The minister is eager to place the Turkish health tourism in the Netherlands more firmly on the map, more concretely in the form of a large Expo in Amsterdam.

    It can’t be ignored: in 2021, half a million foreign patients have sought and found treatment in Türkiye.

    The Chamber of Commerce foundation has been bringing the modern hospital infrastructure and expertise in Türkiye to the attention of health insurers in the Netherlands for some time now, albeit with an emphasis on planned care (read Turkish care capacity for Dutch queue).

    Which Dutch B2B target groups are expected at the Expo in Amsterdam?

    In the first place general practitioners, health insurers or insurance companies and relevant public institutions. Also: hospitals, (dental) clinics, IVF centers, hair transplant centers, dermatological clinics, aesthetic centers, rehabilitation centers, elderly care and nursing homes. It will be possible to make agreements – whether commercial or not – with these parties.

    B2C target groups are Dutch tourists with Turkish root who are about to book a holiday to Türkiye. In addition, services are also offered to native Dutch people. In personal conversations, one can explain health problems, care and thermal tourism. Belgian and German interested parties are also welcome.

    The Chamber of Commerce foundation has offered to assist the Turkish organizer of the Expo:

    – Office facilities of the Chamber of Commerce in Rotterdam

    – Tourism branding and marketing advice combined with business trade missions

    – Digital services / compiling contact database with Dutch target groups

    Location Expo: Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre, Amsterdam. May 20-21. Contact

    Supported by DEIK (Foreign Economic Relations Board) and OHSAD (Association of Private Hospitals and Health Institutions).

  • How do we help Dutch entrepreneurs in Turkiye?

    Turkiye is like a ‘candy shop’, a tempting paradise brimming with opportunity. It is nice to observe how this vast country gives Dutch entrepreneurs a burst of energy, every time.

    But: where do you start as an entrepreneur? How should you deal with an unfamiliar bureaucracy and business culture? Who physically takes the Dutch entrepreneur into the local field? Read more about how the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Türkiye foundation (CCNT) and affiliated service providers can help on site.

    Take Douwe from Friesland. Although his business is going well, he notices that his customers have become more demanding. These are continuously looking for ‘something new’ for consumers who have more free time. Citizens are looking for a holiday safer and closer to home in these uncertain times with post-Corona and other crisis.

    Douwe is referred by the CCNT in Rotterdam to one of the affiliated service providers/experts on site in Turkiye. His request: “perform a market research for suitable melamine producers in Turkiye”. Melamine is an extremely durable and tear-resistant plastic available in a wide variety of shapes, colors and patterns. In addition, Douwe is looking for 15 types of textile products. All ideal for home, garden, kitchen and camping.

    A successful B2B meeting doesn’t end at an airport…

    In a first phase, the Dutch-speaking service provider in Turkiye makes a shortlist of potential producers. There are lots of phone calls and mails with all kinds of managers in Turkish companies. Subsequently, it is checked whether the products meet the EU quality requirements.

    In a second phase, Douwe receives all relevant data. Although he has confidence in the high product quality and the necessary certificates, these must be produced and delivered under well-defined conditions. Are there perhaps more useful Turkish partners or suppliers, Douwe wonders…

    As an exclusive service, more candidate producers are identified and cross-matched. Furthermore, product technical, Turkish experts from the large network of the service provider are involved. For this, the service provider again crawls into the pen, telephone and visits them.

    In a third phase, Douwe is brought into personal contact with the Turkish producers and suppliers. The service provider organizes the journey from Schiphol, via Istanbul to other Turkish cities. B2B meetings are supported by the service provider and an additional guide.

    A successful B2B meeting or trade mission does not end at an airport; it ends up on the shelves of a Dutch retail store, you would say, doesn’t it?

    But: it is often (only) phase three that is offered by sector or network organizations. A pity: the high lords leave a country with or without a minister, while the actual work still has to be done.

  • Results board meeting Chamber of Commerce Foundation

    During a recent board meeting, it was decided to open the doors to new board members.

    Türkiye is ‘booming’ and offers many trading opportunities for SME companies. This demands experts and entrepreneurs who have affinity and experience with Türkiye.

    The current board seats are held by entrepreneurs and experts in the area of tax advice and international corporate restructuring; legal services; bilateral trade relations, import/export; transport and logistics; IT, energy; project management and the healthcare sector. The vacant place is for a Turkish entrepreneur because of maintaining a balance between Dutch and Turks in the board.

    The results of 2021 are satisfactory. Attention has been paid to further strengthen the foundation structure, to build a database with 15K company data, to establish relations with interest groups in both countries, organising trade missions, drawing up trade statistics reports, streamlining the human resources and the renewal of agreements with affiliated commercial service providers/partners.

    Given the great success of the (Agri) trade mission in 2021, trade missions will be organized again in 2022. The first applications have already been received from Dutch companies interested in the sectors processed food, metal, furniture/interior and textile.

    The ITR Connect initiative offering ‘good and cheaper’ Turkish IT/software experts for Dutch companies is showing good results. Contracts with Dutch clients are signed while the project is being supervised professionally, according to the responsible board member. The latter is also open to new project management requests from interested Dutch companies in Türkiye.

    Furthermore, the board discussed handled trade applications from the Netherlands and Türkiye. In general, Dutch companies are searching Turkish production suppliers, or assistance for legal and administrative issues, or they want to have a local visit carried out in Türkiye to  solve misunderstandings during production processes. From the Turkish side, there is often a need to find suitable Dutch clients and to market specific products.

  • Juicy news: Pomegranate fresh-pressing machine introduced in Dutch supermarket chain. It was about time!

    More and more exotic fruit from all over the world is reaching the Dutch retail. Traditional oranges are delicious, but a sweet and sour, fresh pomegranate also gives a strong ‘boost’ to a vital lifestyle.

    During a recent Agri trade mission to Türkiye, Dutch buyers were brought into contact with all kinds of fresh produce producers. The pomegranate was also discussed. The origin of this fruit lies in West and Central Asia. There was already mention of the pomegranate in Greek mythology, the Koran and the Old Testament. Over time, this historic fruit has become a well-known superfood. It contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, which are important for the heart, nerves and muscles. The exotic fruit is also rich in trace minerals such as iron and zinc, fiber, antioxidants and vitamins.

    Why this automatic juicer is good news? Because the tough skin of the pomegranate is not very inviting to for some. It is difficult to peel it with those 4 to 6 white walls inside. Subsequently, it has been solved now!

    Discover these and other secrets of Türkiye. Contact CCNT if interested in trade missions (Agri or other sectors).

  • Where is unexploited market potential Netherlands-Türkiye?

    Did you know that several Turkish sectors are missing out on export potential? Take textile for example: the unexploited export potential with the Netherlands is €250 mln. But also the Dutch leave export potential of €12 mln. untapped. Except for men’s cotton shirts and baby clothes, actual exports of Dutch clothing products are rather low.

    If you are interested in clothing, processed food and machinery sectors (export values in million €, selection of market players), order the “Snapshots Unexploited Market Opportunities Report” from the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands-Türkiye foundation through a mini-donation of €150 ( use the donation button at the bottom of the homepage).

    Interested in tailor-made market research of other sectors in Türkiye or the Netherlands? Contact.