• Turkish Care Capacity for Dutch Queue

    The ‘transfer’ of Dutch patients to Turkish hospitals is currently being investigated by the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Türkiye foundation.

    The Dutch healthcare sector has encountered capacity limits during the corona crisis, according to the filling of the IC departments. Planned care has also been partially postponed. The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) announced that since 2020 about 340,000 to 380,000 fewer operations had been performed than expected.
    Interested parties for exploratory talks and a trade mission to Turkish (health) care institutions can report to info@nttf.nl or info@kvknederlandturkije.nl.
    Read press release.


    * Photo: opening of new hospital in Corona year 2020, Göztepe city hospital, Kadiköy district, Istanbul. Modern and hotel-like care complex of 239,000 M2 and 1,110 rooms, of which 144 IC.


    *  Photo: interior patient room Turkish hospital
    Source photos: AA (Anadolu Agency)
  • Trademission portrayed in slideshow

    How to meet local producers in Turkish regions? What ‘image’ should one have of Turkish companies?

    Entrepreneurs do business with their boots the field. Why? Because sometimes you have to see, feel, taste products with your own eyes…

    Experience and research production processes yourself in Turkish companies and greenhouses! The fresh (potatoes, vegetables, fruit) trademission to the Antalya region in October 2021 was national news in Türkiye (read TRT).
    View spontaneously taken photos in the slideshow visualising citrus fields, capsicum/pepper and banana greenhouses, packaging companies and ‘internal’ discussions between Dutch delegation members and Turkish owners/managers.



  • Caribbean housing shortage solution from Türkiye!

    Access to safe, affordable and efficient housing is crucial in times of climate change, natural disasters and migration flows. Residents of traditional areas on the mainland or islands also face challenges: scarce land, high construction costs and a growing expensive rental market.

    The Netherlands-Türkiye Chamber of Commerce foundation (CCNT) is therefore honored to appoint Mr. Ryan Blanca, born in Suriname, as ‘ambassador’ for the Caribbean (i.e. including Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana). Due to the strong historical ties with Europe, there is a lot of economic activity with, among others, the Netherlands, which makes good accessibility possible for Turkish entrepreneurs.

    Press release NL – ENFR

  • ICT ‘nearshoring’ Türkiye-Netherlands a great success!

    The need for affordable, good software and programmers is great in the Netherlands. ITR Connect, the ICT nearshoring initiative for the Dutch business community, which we mentioned shortly after their start-up in May this year (see previous message), has already proven to be a great success.

    “A diversity of clients have been served: sellers of sports products, employment agencies, energy-related companies, retail companies looking for a product assembler for their customers, financial service providers and R&D companies,” says founder and director Yaşar Yiğittürk. A turnover of at 150K is already expected this year.

    ITR Connect has a large pool of highly experienced and certified software developers in various programming languages. Project leaders in the Netherlands guide the customer in the development processes using Scrum, an Agile development method with short ‘sprints’ that yields results within 4 weeks. Market demand varies from complex financial systems and apps for mobile applications to state-of-the-art websites.

    Thanks to the efforts of (Turkish) Dutch project leaders and Turkish software developers, good software can be supplied that seamlessly meets the wishes of Dutch clients. This unique combination ensures that more and more Dutch companies that have their software developed in the Netherlands, India or Eastern Europe are starting to see the benefits of the nearshoring initiative of ITR Connect.

    Get to know ITR Connect.

  • CCNT ‘Opportunities & Key Figures Türkiye’ brochure

    A handy and effective ‘instrument’ : the ‘Opportunities and Key Figures’ Türkiye brochure.

    It offers concise trends, figures and maps ideally to be used during your customer journey to Türkiye.

    It guides you to promising sectors; it saves research time for business development departments; it is a reference folder that is placed on the table while having a discussion with partners. It is also an orientation tool during trade missions to Türkiye.

    Do you subsequently need expertise or local help? Contact CCNT for a brief free reply, or let CCNT send your request to expertise partners (commercial traject).


  • Trade Mission Antalya

    Dutch entrepreneurs interested in doing business with Türkiye will be offered the opportunity to participate in a trade mission in October 2021.

    A trade delegation facilitated by the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Türkiye foundation will travel to Antalya in October (18-21). Especially Dutch entrepreneurs related to the fresh produce sector are advised to contact us.

    The program includes B2B meetings with producers, exporters, importers and visits to agricultural areas, the Antalya Commodity Exchange  and the Yörex Regional Products Fair.

    At EU level, decisionmakers have spoken constructively about Türkiye. The European Council stands ready, in a phased, proportionate and reversible manner, to strengthen cooperation with Türkiye in a number of areas of common interest, including preparations for the modernization of the Customs Union.

    Türkiye is among the countries that can make the most of supply chain diversification as a result of the pandemic, according to the chairman of the EBRD bank.

    The Netherlands is the largest investor with €26 MLD in Direct Foreign Investments in Türkiye. Furthermore, more than 3000 Dutch companies are already represented in Türkiye, vice versa there are 800 Turkish companies in the Netherlands.

    In principle, the foundation is open to representatives of other Dutch sectors in addition to the planned AGF (Potatoes, Vegetables, Fruit) sector.

    Türkiye WELCOMES YOU!


  • New Turkish IT pool for Dutch SMEs

    In response to the shortage of qualified ICT experts in the Netherlands, a new initiative will soon be facilitated by the Netherlands-Türkiye Chamber of Commerce foundation: ICT-nearshoring Türkiye-Netherlands.

    According to The Boston Consultancy Group, the Netherlands bears the risk of a shortage of 54,000 ICT experts. 40% of employers in ICT services experience obstacles in their business activities due to a shortage of personnel.

    Expected services include application development, testing, quality assurance and control, software product management, IT architecture services, IT consultancy and web design. The target customers for this nearshoring project are SMEs and startups in all possible industries. An established Turkish IT supplier is part of this nearshoring offer. This supplier has made its mark with e-Bay’s online e-commerce sites.

    Contact ITR Connect and discuss your software/IT needs.

  • Trade potential Türkiye & neighboring countries

    The Chamber of Commerce foundation was honored to kick-off the first webinar series of “Trade Potentials Between Türkiye and Neighboring and Surrounding Countries and possible opportunities”.

    Several hundred students (ie: future decision makers) observed detailed import/export data between the Netherlands and Türkiye in this Zoom webinar. Furthermore: the need to connect sectors and generations and to work out ‘out-of-the-box’ branding and marketing strategies in the interest of innovative development.

    It was organized by Istanbul Commerce University with whom the Chamber of Commerce has signed an MoU. The moderator was provided by the Research Center for Neighboring Countries and Regions.

  • Istanbul Investment Agency: Dutch investors are welcome

    You want to invest in certain sectors in Istanbul such as transport and traffic, recycling, water management, smart cities, health, culture…?

    The Istanbul Investment Agency is the first ‘sub-national’ organization in Türkiye directly under a city government. The Netherlands-Türkiye Chamber of Commerce foundation has discussed cooperation options, including future concepts with this organization. Please contact the foundation info@nttf.nl.

    Read more…

  • Virtual matchmaking concept

    Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are all looking for new avenues and contacts to continue facilitating trade. Suppliers can no longer personally meet customers at trade shows.
    Digital meetings are an option, but what if we would organize the entire matching process virtually? Not only with regard to a digital stand at a digital fair, but also the showroom or production unit in the country of origin?

    The Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Türkiye foundation has built contacts with new interest groups that have entered into a close partnership with a virtual software producer. One reaches out to (textile) customers, the other produces virtual software for matching purposes during virtual trade fairs.

    Experiencing a virtual demonstration is a beautiful Turkish digital experience. Once you have put on virtual glasses, you enter the showroom. With the virtual hand you can feel and view the textile samples in all kinds and colors. At a micro level, you look at the yarns and seams.

    The sustainability aspect? Instead of flying a team over to Hanover, Paris or Istanbul by plane, now it is feasible virtually from their own seat in the Netherlands. Sustainability pays off, therefore also financially. The demonstration involved an MVP (Minimal Viable Product). Dutch SMEs with a long-term vision can contact CCNT about this innovation.