• HealthCare project NL-TR on Turkish TV

    The Turkish media reacted quickly to the press release “Turkish Care Capacity for Dutch Queue” published on December 8, 2021. The chairman of the Ethem Emre foundation was broadcasted via live streaming in a TV studio in Türkiye (topic “Global interest in the Turkish health system” ) were asked to provide more information about the motivation behind the NL-TR Care Project.

    The Dutch healthcare sector ran into capacity limits during the corona crisis, according to the filling of the IC departments. Planned care has also been partially postponed. The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) announced at the end of August that around 340,000 to 380,000 fewer operations had been performed since March 2020 than expected. The ‘transfer’ of Dutch patients to Turkish hospitals is currently being investigated by the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Türkiye foundation.
  • Turkish Care Capacity for Dutch Queue

    The ‘transfer’ of Dutch patients to Turkish hospitals is currently being investigated by the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Türkiye foundation.

    The Dutch healthcare sector has encountered capacity limits during the corona crisis, according to the filling of the IC departments. Planned care has also been partially postponed. The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) announced that since 2020 about 340,000 to 380,000 fewer operations had been performed than expected.
    Interested parties for exploratory talks and a trade mission to Turkish (health) care institutions can report to info@nttf.nl or info@kvknederlandturkije.nl.
    Read press release.


    * Photo: opening of new hospital in Corona year 2020, Göztepe city hospital, Kadiköy district, Istanbul. Modern and hotel-like care complex of 239,000 M2 and 1,110 rooms, of which 144 IC.


    *  Photo: interior patient room Turkish hospital
    Source photos: AA (Anadolu Agency)
  • Healthcare project on Turkish TV

    The Turkish media reacted swiftly to the CCNT press release “Turkish Care Capacity for Dutch Queue” published on December 8, 2021. The chairman, Ethem Emre, was broadcasted via live streaming in a TV studio in Türkiye, topic “Global interest in the Turkish health system”. He was asked to provide the motivation behind their “Zorgproject NL-TR” (Healthcare project NL-TR).
    The Dutch healthcare sector ran into capacity limits during the corona crisis, according to the filling of the Intesive Care hosptial departments. Regular, planned care has also been partially postponed. At the end of August, the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) announced that since March 2020 about 340,000 to 380,000 fewer operations had been performed than expected.
    Subsequenly, a possible ‘transfer’ of Dutch patients to Turkish hospitals is being investigated by the Chamber of Commerce Netherlands – Türkiye foundation.
    Interested stakeholders can contact info@kvknederlandturkije.nl